Kamis, 16 April 2015

Must Know

“Isolated Waterfall”
Sidoharjo Waterfall

3 of 5 starsReviewed January 10, 2015
I visit this waterfall in order to end my trip after going to suroloyo. Well I got a little disappointed because actually this waterfall could be a great waterfall, but some local citizen block the stream from above for their irigation causing the water shortage on the waterfall, and the road to this waterfall is still in natural condition, no sign of affection from local government to make this waterfall become a good tourist spot. the waterfall itself doesn't has entrance fee, but you must pay to park at some local citizen house near the waterfall

Enjoying Timang Beach and Its Gondola

It is known that Gunung Kidul has many beautiful beach with smooth white sands such as Indrayanti, Sundak, Nglambor, Plok Tunggal, Jogan, and Siung. All of these beach are usually became favorite tourism destination for local and foreign tourists. Another beach that should you visit is Timang beach . Timang beach is located in Padukuhan Danggolo, Purwodadi village, Tepus Subdistrict, Gunung Kidul. This beach also has similar characteristic as others beach in Gunung Kidul. The smooth white sands with many pandanus plants along the coast of the beach are the characteristic of Gunung Kidul’s beach. There are many marine life at the Timang beach. One of the difference between Timang beach to others is a coral island located near the beach named Pulau Pajang.  It has a gondola used to cross from Timang beach to Pajang island. Don’t ever think this is a modern electronic gondola because you will only find rattan gondola here. The gondola string has around 100m length. It was made by a traditional way with rattan as the material. It has a square shape and can carries one man only. Actually this gondola is not a facilities provided by the Government. At the beginning the gondola was used to help fisherman finding the lobsters. According to Mr Timang, the owner of gondola. The tourists are interesting to ride it. He says to ride it you have to order at least one day before to safety check of gondola.

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